Join us for some FUN and SPOOKY tales!
The Event will be TWO-PART.
SEASONAL STORIES FOR THE FAMILY From 6:00-6"45 p.m. Thurs. Oct. 27, 2022, stories for families and smaller children. Fun tales and only a few "slight chills" to delight all. Then, enjoy some refreshments and - maybe - some games and treats!
SPOOKY TALES FOR ADULTS AND TEENS From 7:00-&7:45 p.m. Thurs. Oct. 27, 2022 ADULTS and TEENS can sit in on a session with more chills and shivers - suitable to their ages - "The Ghost Teller" will be there to share some tales from history, legends and even some personal encounters with things that go "bump" in the night!
Location: The Educational Building of Stroud United Methodist Church.